We are proud to be part of Laureates and Prize Winner for UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy 2024

UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy 2024

Dengan penuh rasa syukur kami ingin membagikan kabar baik bahwa Sokola Institute telah terpilih sebagai salah satu pemenang UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy 2024 melalui program kami “Pendidikan Literasi untuk Masyarakat Adat Indonesia”. Penghargaan bergengsi ini mengakui upaya luar biasa Sokola Institute dalam meningkatkan literasi di kalangan masyarakat adat melalui pendekatan inovatif dan integratif. Kemenangan ini diumumkan pada peringatan International Literacy Day di kota Yaoundé, Cameroon pada hari Senin, 9 September 2024. 

Penghargaan ini membuktikan bahwa budaya diakui memiliki kontribusi besar dalam proses pembelajaran literasi. Kami percaya, melibatkan bahasa dan fonetik lokal dalam literasi sangat penting, tetapi memasukkan budaya masyarakat adat ke dalam pembelajaran jauh lebih krusial. Proses pendidikan yang melibatkan budaya komunitas akan membantu menciptakan versi terbaik dari praktik pendidikan mereka dan meningkatkan determinasi komunitas.

Dengan penghargaan ini semoga tidak ada lagi diskriminasi budaya dan identitas masyarakat adat dan lokal di Indonesia dalam proses pendidikan mereka, baik di persekolahan maupun di luar persekolahan.


Sokola is the first nonprofit organization in Indonesia which focuses on education for indigenous and local communities in Indonesia.

Established in 2003 by five education practitioners and community facilitators, Sokola develops contextual and culturally sensitive methods and approaches in order to help indigenous and local communities coping with changes and defending rights over their culture and habitat.


Indigenous Peoples to have self-determination and sovereignty upon their land and natural resources through the learning process



Indigenous Peoples are not powerless or void entities. They possess a set of traditional knowledge and education system that are passed down from the elders to the younger generations. It has been proven that the Indigenous Peoples have been living sustaisdnably and sufficiently for hundreds of years by relying on that traditional knowledge. 

On the other side, they recently need new knowledge to cope with changes (modernity) that are encroaching their living space.

SOKOLA develops education program to help Indigenous Peoples coping with changes, so they could live the life they prefer.